Pseudo elimination of leprosy in a brazilian northeast state: analysis from regression by points of inflation and local empirical bayesian model espanhol




Background and Objectives: Alagoas is a Brazilian state in which leprosy is eliminated, but there is evidence that it is a pseudo-elimination. To analyze the temporal and spatial dynamics of leprosy in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, in between 2010 and 2015. Methods: Ecological study. Six indicators of leprosy monitoring were analyzed. Secondary data from the National System of Notifiable Diseases were used to calculate the indicators. For the temporal analysis we adopted joinpoint regression model. The trend has been ranked in increasing, decreasing or stationary. For the spatial analysis, the Local Empirical Bayesian Model and the Global and Local Moran Statistics were used. Significance was set at 5% and 95% CI. Results: The analysis by joinpoint showed a tendency to reduce the prevalence coefficient (APC=-11.2, p=0.008) and to increase the proportion of contacts examined (APC=7.0, p=0.015). The general detection coefficient, the coefficient of cases with degree II of physical incapacity and the proportion of cure showed a stationary pattern. The coefficient of detection in children under 15 years showed an inversion of the trend from 2013 (APC=7.8, p=0.011). The Moran statistic showed spatial autocorrelation, with municipalities more priority in the hinterland of the state. Conclusion: Althought being considered as eliminated in Alagoas, the high burden in the general population, the presence in children under 15 years of age and of incapacitated individuals, the fragile cure rate, the dubious quality of the contact survey and the geographical location of the state constitute the set of elements that maintain that elimination is a purely virtual process. Keywords: Leprosy. Spatial analysis. Medical informatics.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza, Docente do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca. Programa de pós-graduação em Saúde Pública- Doutorado- Fiocruz Pernambuco.

Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT) Especialista de Análise de Situação de Saúde pelo Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública da Universidade Federal de Goiás (ITPS/UFG) Mestre em Planejamento Territorial- Geoprocessamento aplicado ao planejamento pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS) Doutorando em Saúde Pública pelo Instituto Aggeu Magalhães - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Pernambuco (IAM/FIOCRUZ) Professor assistente do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca.

Thiago Cavalcanti Leal, Universidade Federal de Alagoas- Campus Arapiraca Curso de Medicina

Acadêmico do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca

João Paulo de Paiva, Universidade Federal de Alagoas- Campus Arapiraca Curso de Medicina

Acadêmico do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) - Campus Arapiraca

Emmylly Maria Correia Ferro de Araújo, Universidade Federal de Alagoas- Campus Arapiraca Curso de Medicina (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca

Acadêmico do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) - Campus Arapiraca

Franklin Gerônimo Bispo Santos, Professor adjunto IV do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca.

Médico veterinário pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Doutor em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia) pelo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Professor adjunto IV do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)- Campus Arapiraca.



How to Cite

Souza, C. D. F. de, Leal, T. C., Paiva, J. P. de, Araújo, E. M. C. F. de, & Santos, F. G. B. (2019). Pseudo elimination of leprosy in a brazilian northeast state: analysis from regression by points of inflation and local empirical bayesian model espanhol. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 9(1).

