Profile and costs of dengue hospitalizations in Southeast Pará from the SUS perspective (2000-2015)
Background and objectives: Considering the little evidence associated with dengue hospitalizations, their public expenditures in Southeast Pará and its relevance to the public health in Brazil, this study aims to demonstrate the records of hospitalizations and expenses associated with this arbovirus between 2000 and 2015 from the perspective of the Unified Health System (SUS). Methods: This is a descriptive research that sought to assess the records and expenses (USD) of hospitalization caused by dengue (SUS code: 74500457, 74300440, 0303010010) and severe dengue (SUS code: 74300628, 74500627, 0303010029), as well as their associated deaths (CID: A90 and A91), respectively, from the SIH/SUS and SIM/SUS from 2000 to 2015 for all 39 municipalities in the southeast of Pará. Results: A total of 1206 deaths, 22,860 individuals with dengue and 306 with severe dengue underwent services in the SUS between 2000 and 2015, representing 23,166 hospitalizations (23,613: dengue and 313: severe dengue), in which Bom Jesus do Tocantins and Goianésia do Pará represent the municipalities with the highest number of hospitalizations associated with dengue. Conclusion: It is possible to verify the relevance of continuing efforts to combat and fight dengue in southeastern Pará. It reinforces the need to conduct studies that contribute to a better understanding of the distribution of hospitalizations and deaths in the different municipalities of the state of Pará, as well as reflections on the epidemiological and economic scenario for the implementation of a rational and efficient decision-making process.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Juliana Mota Salgado, Thannuse Silva Athie, Gabriel Henrique da Silva, William Gustavo Lima, Isabella Piassi Dias Godói

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