Prevalence and factors associated with physical activity practice in people living with HIV/AIDS
HIV, Exercise, Risk Factores, Cardiovascular DiseasesAbstract
Background and Objectives: physical activity practice (PAP) by people living with HIV (PLHIV) has been recommended in medical literature. This measure is shown to be effective in managing PLHIV. However, it is estimated that only 50.7% of PLHIV comply with recommended physical exercise guidelines. This study aimed to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with PAP in PLHIV using antiretroviral therapy. Methods: a cross-sectional observational study composed of 276 PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART), treated at the Specialized Ambulatory Service (SAS) of a municipality in the countryside of the Northeast in 2018. The variables analyzed included biochemical, anthropometric and blood pressure data as well as the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). They were divided into two groups: physical activity practitioners (PAp); and physical activity non-practitioners (PANp). Data were correlated using Pearson’s chi-square test, with statistical significance if p<0.05, and through inferential statistics. Results: of the study participants, most were men, and of the total contingent, 67% (n=185) were PANp and of these, 8.6% had cardiovascular event moderate and high risks (CVER) according to FRS. The PAp group had a lower median for the age variable [37 (41-48) years, p=0.004] and a higher median for the weight variable [68 (60-77.5) kg, p=0.015]. Among the PAp, there was a high prevalence of low risk. Conclusion: lack of PAP is highly prevalent among PLHIV and these are more associated with moderate and high CVER, in addition to the metabolic and bodily consequences of the viral condition and antiretroviral therapy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 João Victor Cunha Silva, Edjane Silva Araujo , Ana Luísa Duarte Cantanhede, William Pereira Santos, Claudia Regina Andrade Arrais Rosa
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