Analysis of antifungal prescriptions in a Basic Health Unit in the Federal District
Antifungal Agents, Primary Health Care, Drug Utilization, PharmacoepidemiologyAbstract
Background and Objectives: the inappropriate use of antifungal agents leads to the development of resistance and a lack of treatment effectiveness, which can result in the worsening of clinical condition, persistent infections, increased hospitalization rates and prolonged hospital stays as well as deaths and higher healthcare costs. This study aimed to analyze antifungal prescriptions in a Basic Health Unit in the Federal District Southern Health Region, Brazil. Methods:this was a cross-sectional, descriptive, and observational study, in which the duplicate copies of prescriptions retained at the pharmacy were assessed. Results: a total of 69 prescriptions dispensed in October 2019 were analyzed. Concerning medication prescription according to the Brazilian Common Denomination (DCB) and the verification of the presence of antifungal agents in the Federal District’s List of Essential Medications (REME-DF), rates above 90% were found in the analyzed documents. Only one prescription contained the combination of two antifungal agents. The predominant prescribing category was nursing, followed by physicians and dentists. The most prescribed antifungal agents were fluconazole and miconazole. The routes of administration present in prescriptions were oral and topical. Conclusion: the lack of studies on antifungal use in primary care highlights the importance of this investigation for producing specialized knowledge on the subject.
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