Practice of surgical hand antisepsis in a university hospital: an observational prevalence study
Antisepsis, Surgicenters, Cross InfectionAbstract
Background and Objectives: surgical hand antisepsis is an essential measure in surgical site infection prevention, with the aim of reducing and eliminating the microbial load on the skin of professionals participating in surgical procedures. However, studies have shown that the surgical team has neglected this practice. In this context, the research aimed to assess the practice of hand surgical antisepsis among members of the surgical team of a teaching hospital. Methods: an observational, descriptive, quantitative study, conducted from September 20 to October 20, 2023. The data were transcribed in a spreadsheet, tabulated and analyzed by means of absolute and relative frequency. Results: a total of 238 surgical antisepsis were observed in the hands. In 100% of the practices, professionals did not use adornments; rubbing of the hands up to the elbow occurred in 96.22%; keeping the hands above the elbow occurred in 80.25%; rinsing in full running water occurred in 78.57%; and rinsing in a single direction occurred in 83.19%. However, the time used to perform the technique was adequate in 12.74% of observations for the first shift surgery and, in 23.53%, for the second. The overall adequacy of the practice was 9.31% and 17.65% for the first and second antisepsis of the shift, respectively. Conclusion: the research revealed deficiencies mainly in the time dedicated to practice, low general adequacy in the practice of surgical antisepsis of the hands, the hospital role as an educational institution in multiprofessional training in health.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Beatriz Talluly Bespalhok, Débora Cristina Ignácio Alves, Fabiana Gonçalves de Oliveira Azevedo Matos, Lara Adrianne Garcia Paiano da Silva
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