HIV/AIDS cases and deaths in Brazil, 2000 to 2019: a spatial analysis
HIV; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Public Health; Ecological Studies; Spatial AnalysisAbstract
Justification and Objectives: although there has been progress in antiretroviral treatment and advances in preventive campaigns, cases and deaths from HIV/AIDS persist today, reflecting a serious public health concern. This study aimed to carry out a spatial analysis of cases and deaths due to HIV/AIDS in Brazil, 2000-2019. Methods: this is a cross-sectional, ecological study. The data were extracted from the Notifiable Diseases Information System and the Mortality Information System. To identify spatial distribution patterns and possible clusters, Kernel maps and Local and Global Moran’s Index of prevalence and mortality were created in TerraView and QGIS. Results: during the period of this study, there were 756,586 cases and 232,892 deaths from HIV/AIDS, with the highest concentrations of cases in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and deaths in Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. In Kernel, there was high density in the Southeast, South and Northeast, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, for the mortality rate. Meanwhile, in Local Moran’s Index, high-value clusters are in the Southeast, South and Midwest, which are also the locations for the mortality rate. Conclusion: cases were concentrated in the state of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, while mortality rates reached higher density in Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. These findings point to the need for regional coping strategies, such as strengthening educational and prevention campaigns.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Isadora Sabrina Ferreira dos Santos, Laís Eduarda Silva de Arruda, José Thiago de Lima Silva, Guilherme Lira, Emília Carolle Azevedo de Oliveira
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