Implementation of the National Program for Access and Quality Improvement in Primary Care (PMAQ-AB)


  • Rosimeri Telles Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Leni Dias Weigelt Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Maristela Soares Rezende Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Suzane Beatriz Frantz Krug Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Ronise Ferreira Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Amanda Luisa Kessler Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Lilian Pereira de Barros Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Ana Carolina Jühlich Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  • Gabriela Mendes da Silva Flores Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil.



Justification and Objective: investigate about the methodology of implementing the National Program for Access and Quality Improvement in Primary Care (PMAQ-AB): review 2 by health professionals, their results and their impact on the organization and assistance to health from the perspective of health workers. Method: Qualitative research, with exploratory descriptive study, were 21 workers the health of strategies units of family of a municipality 28th Health Region – Rio Grande do Sul (RS), with 17 Family Health Strategy facilities registered in the Primary Care Department-Health Ministry. Of these 17 Family Health Strategy facilities, 8 have Team Dental Health certification. The data collection was from municipal health documents through interviews. Constituted the sample, the health manager and a representative of each category by the ESF to participate in any phase of PMAQ. The content analysis guided the organization of the information and the results in topics: PMAQ in the view of workers, the application methodology, the results and changes in the health facilities with program implementation. Results: Two doctors, five nurses, seven nursing technicians, six dentists and a nutritionist were interviewed. It identified the diversity of perceptions of health workers on the implementation of PMAQ –AB, in the health facilities where they work and dissatisfaction for lack of feedback of the management in relation to the evaluation results. Conclusions: The lack of knowledge of professionals on the implementation methodology of this program was evident, since most of the respondents can not report on the implementation stages and their development in their Family Health Strategy. KEYWORDS: Health Evaluation. Health Education. Delivery of Health Care. Public Health.


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How to Cite

Telles, R., Weigelt, L. D., Rezende, M. S., Krug, S. B. F., Ferreira, R., Kessler, A. L., Barros, L. P. de, Jühlich, A. C., & Flores, G. M. da S. (2016). Implementation of the National Program for Access and Quality Improvement in Primary Care (PMAQ-AB). Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 1(1), 1-10.