Socioeconomic dynamic in market practices of family farmers Chapecó (SC)




Family farming. Near Market. Insertion into markets. Strategies. Autonomy.


In this article the central objective is to understand the fair as a strategic space for the survival of family farming, going beyond the issue of market integration. Field research was conducted in two main fairs in the city of Chapeco/SC, divided into two stages: a study of the characteristics of the market traders, through the interview based on a form with open and closed questions 63 hawkers responsible posts; and interviews from semi-structured questions with 28 families, who met the exigencies of family farmers and are marketer Chapecó residents. The collected data are presented in tabular summaries and analysis followed the content analysis parameters. The results demonstrate the importance of local farmers market vendors not only as a space for marketing of products, but as a social construction of space that are current interconhecimento relations, reciprocity and the relative autonomy of the food hegemonic system.


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Author Biographies

Hieda Maria Pagliosa Corona, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Socióloga, Mestre em Sociologia e Doutora em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (UFPR); bolsista sênior da Fundação Araucária/SETI/Pr e Capes/Br; docente permanente do programa em desenvolvimento regional (PPGDR); pesquisadora e líder do Centro de Pesquisa e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional (CEPAD/UTFPR).

Samuel Tafernaberri Vasques Vasques, Prefeitura Municipal de Chapecó

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional pela UTFPR Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná/Campus Pato Branco; Agrônomo na Prefeitura de Chapecó – End. Rua Nereu Ramos 1750E Sala dos Técnicos, Bairro Passo dos Fortes, Chapecó-SC, CEP 89805-100

Wilson Itamar Godoy, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Engenheiro agrônomo, Mestre em Fitotecnia (UFRGS), Doutor em Agronomia (UFPEL); docente permanente do PPGDR, da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Pato Branco; membro do CEPAD/UTFPR.



How to Cite

Corona, H. M. P., Vasques, S. T. V., & Godoy, W. I. (2018). Socioeconomic dynamic in market practices of family farmers Chapecó (SC). Redes , 23(1), 237-261.



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