Novelties built on the Organic Milk Production System in the Far West Region of Santa Catarina




Food. Organic milk. Novelties. Ecological farmers. Rural and regional development.


The work aims to analyze the motivations that led family farmers to undertake the transition from the modernized to the organic production system and to understand the types and effects of the novelties built along their trajectory in the activity of organic milk. The investigation was carried out with nine family farmers and eight technicians from different institutions and organizations that accompany and assist the families, totaling 17 semi-structured interviews (with qualitative and quantitative data collection), covering nine municipalities, all belonging to the Far West Region of Santa Catarina (REOC). To achieve this objective, the theoretical perspective mobilized was the Multilevel and Co-Evolutionary (PMN) and the notion of novelties in rural and regional development. As relevant results and conclusions, the investigation points out that the main motivations of farmers to make the transition from the modernized to the organic system are the frequent problems with contamination with pesticides, the low income earned and the environmental unsustainability of the production processes. As for the types of novelties, the research showed that in the trajectory of development of the Organic Milk Productive System (SPLO), three interconnected sets of novelties were built, the productive, technological and environmental. The main effects of these three types of novelties in SPLO are the increase in economic income from the experiences and the levels of environmental sustainability of the farmers production and work process.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Gazolla, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR - campus Pato Branco)

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Rural. Professor da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Campus de Pato Branco). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR).

Marlise Lovatel, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) campus Pato Branco

Eng. Agrônoma. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional. Secretária da Agricultura e Meio Ambiente do município de Descanso/SC.


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How to Cite

Gazolla, M., & Lovatel, M. (2020). Novelties built on the Organic Milk Production System in the Far West Region of Santa Catarina. Redes , 25(3), 1422-1446.


