Trust as a basis for development in Rio Grande do Sul. A study in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre
Social Capital. Local Development. Rio Grande do Sul.Abstract
This article deals with the relationship between social capital and local development, using as research results is three cities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo and Estância Velha, in order to respond the following research problem: Is it possible that Social Capital has a positive influence on the local development of three cities in Rio Grande do Sul? The theoretical framework used includes classic authors like Robert Putnam and Amartya Sen, among others, in order to obtain a greater theoretical contribution to work on issues of social capital and political culture related to development. The methodology applied in the present study is based on the analysis of the results of household surveys, applied in the municipalities, with probabilistic samples, totaling 1819 questionnaires, with a sampling error of 4% and a 95% confidence, as well as documental research in the sites of IBGE, TCE and FEE. The results obtained corroborate the initial idea, suggesting that social capital has a positive impact on local development.Downloads
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