Analysis of the dimensions of governance in solidarity networks: the case of the network bem da terra
Solidarity economy. Network governance. Governance.Abstract
Despite the advances in the research in Administration, there is a shortage of theoretical references on govenance in networks of solidary enterprises. Based on this finding, it was defined as the objective of this research to analyze how it is the governancet in networks of solidary enterprises. The analysis was carried out through a case study at Rede Bem da Terra - Fair and Solidary Trade. Two theoretical approaches to management were used to support the analysis: a management model of solidary enterprises, plus modes and governance mechanisms of interorganizational networks. The main results indicated that the four dimensions of solidary enterprise management: social, economic, ecological and organizational and technical could be better specified through network management mechanisms and applied in the network solidary enterprises researched. In addition, it was evidenced that in the social dimension, the network assumed a decentralized configuration of coordination and with more complex structures of governance, called hybrid (participatory + leading organization).Downloads
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