Does the Family Grant Program Stimulate the Permanence of Low-Income Brazilian Workers in the Informal Market?
Family Grant Program. The Conditional Cash Transfer Programs. Informal labor market.Abstract
The Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTPs) have been shown to be effective in reducing poverty and inequality, improving education and health, and social inclusion of a significant portion of society. However, one of the aspects still unwell studied about the CCTPs is the potential of these programs to stimulate the permanence of low-income Brazilian workers in the informal market, with the purpose of remaining “invisible” to the program supervisors and thus receiving benefits. To analyze this behavior in the labor market in six Brazilian state’s capitals, an Error Correction Vector (VEC) was used. The study results show that there is a positive and causal relationship between the number of family allowance beneficiaries and the number of people in the labor market. Although these variables have a positive and persistent causal relationship over time, the effects of the Family Grant Program on the informal labor market were small in the analyzed period.Downloads
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