Multilevel and coevolutionary perspective and novelties in Rural and Regional Development: applications to studies of creative family agriculture practices




Innovation. Technology. Family farm. Novelties. Rural and regional development.


This paper presents the different theoretical approaches on technology and innovation that have historically influenced rural studies in Brazil and other countries, especially the references of the Induced Innovation Theory of Neoclassical origin and Marxist studies, in its two emphases (that of Technical Progress and Agricultural Modernization Theory). Although the work covered several theoretical approaches on the subject, it aims to present and discuss the Multilevel and Coevolutionary Perspective (PMN) and the notion of novelties, emphasizing the application of its concepts to the study of creative practices in family farming. In this sense, the article offers a set of 'analytical tools' for scholars wishing to investigate creative practices of family farmers in rural spaces and rural and regional development processes, but also operationalizes ideas of how the State and development agencies and can build successful and deliberate processes of construction of novelties with family farmers and other social actors, based on their actions or public policies, using the notion of strategic management of niches.


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Author Biography

Marcio Gazolla, UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco/PR e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR).

Engenheiro Agrônomo (UFSM - 2001), Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural (PGDR/UFRGS - 2004), Doutor em Desenvolvimento Rural (PGDR/UFRGS - 2012) e Professor da UTFPR.


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How to Cite

Gazolla, M. (2020). Multilevel and coevolutionary perspective and novelties in Rural and Regional Development: applications to studies of creative family agriculture practices. Redes , 25(1), 232-254.



Knowledge Generation and Innovation in Family Farming