Beyond the approach of territorial governance of spatial planning projects through participation. The example of France


  • Bernard Elissalde université de Rouen (France)
  • Frédéric Santamaria Université de Grenoble



Territorial Governance. France. Spatial planning. Conflicts. Territory. Public participation.


Starting from the observation of the seriousness of the situation posed by spatial planning conflicts seen in France, this article develops a reflection on the apparent paradox of territorial governance in this country. Breaking with decades of centralism and omnipotent State, France has developed territorial reforms and consultation bodies in order to improve the adjustment between functional territories and institutional territories but without managing to improve relations between political actors and civil society.


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How to Cite

Elissalde, B., & Santamaria, F. (2020). Beyond the approach of territorial governance of spatial planning projects through participation. The example of France. Redes , 25(3), 891-914.



Territorial Governance and Regional Development: Typologies, Processes and Territorial Impacts