Social Capital and Sustainable Development in the Region of Jalapão-TO




Social capital, Sustainable development, Jalapão, Political Participation


Social capital refers to social attributes, such as trust, norms and systems, which contribute to the efficiency of society and mentioned by several researchers as one of the possible determinants of disparities in levels of development between regions, as well as a tool for achieving this. In this context, the objective of this research was to verify if the social capital, present in the region of Jalapão-TO, could be consider as one of the causes for the low level of development of the cities. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted based on bibliographical research, documentary and semi-structured interviews with key actors in the region listed in the Ecological and Economic Zoning of the state of Tocantins. The results show that there is a weakness in social capital in the region, as trust between them has diminished in recent years, as well as their interest in participating in government management and projects, while they themselves are few organized to act collectively. However, the current state of social capital indicators in the region is the result of years of fruitless and poorly oriented projects, thus, it is still possible to include and integrate the subjects of the region, expanding their economic and social opportunities.


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Author Biographies

Waldecy Rodrigues, Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Pós Doutor em Economia (UnB) Professor do Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Jailane Janaina Alves

Graduada em Ciências Econômicas (UFT) Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional (UFT)


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, W., & Alves, J. J. (2021). Social Capital and Sustainable Development in the Region of Jalapão-TO. Redes , 27(1).


