Equinoculture and Development in Cerro Largo, Uruguay: a development vector with very special characteristics and some ideas to link them.





Equines, Equestrian activities, Equestrian sector, Development


The objective of this article is to try, through a panoptic view of the equine phenomenon, to visualize whether this set of equestrian activities, endowed with organicity, can become a vector of the multidimensional development of the region. Everything, without losing sight of the special characteristics of "our" vector and that we are in a territory "where it is necessary to understand cultural identity as a complex element and in constant metamorphosis and that each context comprises a phase of the individual's cultural world" (Márques Ribeiro, 2009, p. 137). The methodological design that we have used in the field work, to collect the data, has been based fundamentally on interviews with relevant actors related to the equestrian activities of Cerro Largo and observation of events, recording details related to the denomination, the character and the essential practice of each unit "equestrian activity", components of the typological profile that we have defined to characterize it.


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How to Cite

Lena, E., Marques Ribeiro, C., Morales Grosskopf, H., & Rovere, G. (2022). Equinoculture and Development in Cerro Largo, Uruguay: a development vector with very special characteristics and some ideas to link them. Redes , 27(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v27i.17157


