Integral cooperative, socio-productive organicity and self-management governance: exploring confluences, possibilities and limits for the construction of a self-management sustaining territory
Quilombola community, Integral cooperative, Socio-productive organicity, Self-management governance, Self-sustaining territoryAbstract
Inserted in the intersection between the fields of territorial and organizational studies, this article explores the historical-geographical possibilities and the structural-systemic limits of emancipatory initiatives, notably from an extension program carried out in a traditional community. By articulating the concepts of self-managed governance, socio-productive organicity and integral cooperative, the article aimed to analyze the elements that contribute to the institution of self-managed territorial governance. The empirical field was the construction of the integral cooperative Quilombarras, of the quilombola community Barra da Aroeira, located in the state of Tocantins. It is a theoretical composition based on the reverberations of a case study, within a methodological path that added action research with a critical-dialectical perspective. The results show that the horizon of self-managed territorial governance, in order to be achieved, requires the confluence of elements that expand the political governance of the community, as well as the construction of social relations of production backed by a system of socio-productive organicity in view of the sustainability of the territory, together with the expansion and adequacy of the productive forces that constitute it.
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