Multidimensional Labor Market Protection Index (MLPI): methodological proposition




Protection index, Labor market, Flexibility


Given the scarcity of indicators for comparative analyses between countries and regions, the aim of the present article is to propose a multidimensional index of labor protection based on data from 152 countries. Thus, we seek to instrumentalize the debate on protection versus flexibility. The methodology selected to develop the MLPI was inspired by Sartoris (2003) and Hoffmann (1998). MLPI ranges from zero to one, and it allows ranking countries based on current labor legislations. According to the results, MLPI ranged from 0.182 (in Swaziland) to 0.729 (in Slovenia). The United States, which is often considered a flexible market example, ranked the 143rd position in this ranking (MLPI = 0.243) and Brazil recorded index of 0.583; it was featured as country presenting average protection/flexibility.


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Author Biographies

Izete Pengo Bagolin, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Economista Graduada pela UFSM, Mestre em Economia Rural pela UFRGS, Doutora em Economia pela UFRGS. Professora do PPGE/PUCRS.

Altevir Dias do Prado , Bradesco Seguros S.A

Doctor in Economics - PUCRS


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How to Cite

Bagolin, I. P., & Dias do Prado , A. (2022). Multidimensional Labor Market Protection Index (MLPI): methodological proposition. Redes , 27(1).


