Territory of spiritualities: a look at the subjectivities present in contemporary territorial transformations





Territorial approach, New Age, Religiosities, Subjectivities, Territorialities


Aiming to bring another look at the theoretical-methodological discussion about the territory, valuing the subjectivities present in the ways in which it is transformed and constituted in contemporaneity, we propose, in this article, to think about the territory from the spirituality of the New Age. Thus, demonstrating that through materiality, there is a highly invisible movement that occurs in the field of ideas, making the territory, undeniably, (i)materiality. The empirical field was based on semi-structured interviews for which the city of Santa Cruz do Sul (RS) was defined as the space/time in which spiritual experiences were the object of the respective study. In the data analysis it was noticed that territorialization in the New Age affects individuals other than just spiritual seekers, which indicates that the territory of spiritualities is not only the landscape that is apparent to our eyes, but it necessarily assumes immaterialities, other subjectivities, and also, still other subjects, producers of other territories: a new dynamic to the movement of totality; therefore, a New Era of territories.


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How to Cite

Pohl Frohlich, C., Karnopp, E., & Cadoná, M. A. (2023). Territory of spiritualities: a look at the subjectivities present in contemporary territorial transformations. Redes , 28(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v28i1.17656


