Participatory Master Plan of the Municipality of Petrolina and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): a necessary dialogue for sustainable territorial development




Territorial development policy, Sustainable Development Goals, Participatory Manager Plan


This paper aims to analyze the Participatory Manager Plan of the Petrolina's Municipality as a local development policy, and its dialogue with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present in the 2030 Agenda with a view to achieving sustainable territorial development. Through a qualitative bibliographical study and document analysis, it was possible to understand and identify convergences of the themes of sustainable development and territorial development policies, as well as crossings of the SDGs and proposals of the analyzed Manager Plan. It was evidenced that, of the 17 (seventeen) objectives agreed upon in the 2030 Agenda, 13 (thirteen) are included in the drafting of the Master Plan, although, by the analysis of the Sustainable Development Index of Cities - Brazil (IDSC-BR), only 2 (two) were fully achieved. The study revealed that most SDGs are present in the Municipality management planning, but have not been effectively implemented at the municipal level. In this perspective, it will be necessary to deepen this dialogue between the Manager Plan of the Municipality and practical actions for the effective fulfillment of the SDGs with the participation of government, civil society and private initiative.


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How to Cite

Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira, L., Carla Mendes Coelho, A., Paula Lopes da Silva, A., Souza de Oliveira, L. ., & Marques Alves, R. (2023). Participatory Master Plan of the Municipality of Petrolina and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): a necessary dialogue for sustainable territorial development. Redes , 28(1).


