Dynamics of social interface and public intervention: the case of the rural extension of Rio Grande do Sul


  • Cidonea Machado Deponti
  • Jalcione Almeida




Rural development. Social interface. Human agency. Public rural extension.


This article is about the social dynamics in the work of intervention of the public rural extension in Big Rio of the South. Those dynamics represent the relationship/encounter established among the agents involved in the process of rural development. EMATER/RS-ASCAR is the oficial Agency of rural extension and its actions and practices are accomplished by extensionists that are constituted as development agents. Through the notion of social interface it is possible to verify as it public-puts it it is involved in the projects of the extensionists and as this public he/she reacts and it works strategic forms of negotiation and of maneuver, looking for to legitimate its interests. It is used of a qualitative methodology to understand the intervention process for the rural development starting from the theoretical notions of social interface and of human agency, obtained in the Guided Perspective to the Actor developed by Long (2001; 2007a) and Long and Ploeg (1989; 1994). so much Para, divided the article in four sections. The first is about the relationship between rural extension and intervention for the development and it approaches the Agency of rural extension quickly: EMATER/RS-ASCAR. The three following they specifically negotiate on the dynamics of social interface established among the Agency, extensionists and public-put it. It was ended that the intervention process for the rural development presents negotiations of objectives and of demands, could send the conflict situations, in that so much farmer as technician presents maneuver margins. The encounters of social interface between extensionists and farmers happen daily and in some situations the interface relationship settles down and he/she manifests the hybrid knowledge (interaction of the knowledge contextual and scientific). In another situations the social interface doesn't settle down and the worlds of life of the extensionist and of the farmer they are reaffirmed and they stay to the part.


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How to Cite

Deponti, C. M., & Almeida, J. (2012). Dynamics of social interface and public intervention: the case of the rural extension of Rio Grande do Sul. Redes , 17(2), 195-214. https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v17i2.1866


