Driving regional development: an analysis of the decision making process and innovation in rice agribusinesses





Rice agroindustry, Regional development, Competitively, Innovation, Decision making


The rice agro industry performs an important role in regional development, facing constant challenges in terms of competitiveness and innovation. The aim of this study is to propose integrated strategies for improving managerial decision making in agro industries in the rice sector. The study explored key factors such as productivity and infrastructural, financial and socio-economic aspects. Using a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach, the study combines a literature review, benchmarking visits to three rice agribusinesses of different sizes and the application of an instrument using a Likert scale to identify operational practices and challenges. The results indicate a significant correlation between these factors and effectiveness in the decision-making process, highlighting the importance of strategic management for innovation and development in the sector. In addition, they suggest the need for efficient decision-making approaches aligned with market demands, highlighting paths to sustainability and economic growth in the context of the rice sector, which facilitates the promotion of regional development.


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How to Cite

Neuenfeld Júnior, A. L., & Rocha Lhamby, A. (2024). Driving regional development: an analysis of the decision making process and innovation in rice agribusinesses. Redes , 29(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v29i1.19027


