Governance in digital food markets. Case Sembrando Confianza, Colombia.
Participation, Governance and Technology of the information and communication, Agroecological market, Agroecology, SustainabilityAbstract
For some time now, the need to better understand the sustainability of agri-food systems has been recognized, especially in the context of climate change and contingencies such as the Covid 19 pandemic. During the second half of 2023, the participation of Sembrando Confianza SC was agreed in this research, in order to analyze the dynamics and social processes, innovations and challenges of digital markets, in this case, agroecological. For this purpose, during 2023, interviews were conducted with the market coordinator, 11 consumers and five producers. Among the multiple results, this document focuses on the dynamics, innovations and challenges of governance. SC is a project of a French Colombian Non-Governmental Organization, which uses agroecology as a tool for social transformation. The Foundation was created in 2007 and the digital market in 2012, in order to absorb the surpluses from its first project. In 2018, SC started having its e-commerce website, which is in its second version. Governance is one of the innovative features of SC because it is a timid heterarchy with features of anarchy and especially hierarchy, while conventional food markets are mostly anarchic or hierarchical. It is also a challenge, because while some producers and consumers have become disengaged, others want to participate more actively. It is considered important for SC to structure a governance framework that involves who participates, how and for what.
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