Mapping of Organic Producers and Climate Emergency in Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil




Losses, Agriculture, Sustainability, Disaster


In the month of May 2024, the State of Rio Grande do Sul was hit by a climatic event with high damage and losses, as it was hit by intense rains, flooding, hail, floods, floods, landslides and high-intensity windstorms. In the affected municipalities, agricultural losses occurred in both conventional and organic production. In this sense, this study sought to map organic producers in Rio Grande do Sul and relate them to the municipalities that declared a state of public calamity and emergency in May 2024. The methodology was organized with shapefile files, and the geoprocessing software was ArcGis. The list of organic producers was obtained directly from the MAPA website. The decree used was 57,626 / 2024. In the results, it was found that 78 municipalities were registered in a state of public calamity and 340 municipalities in an emergency situation. Considering all types of certifications, a total of 3,354 owners were found in RS, and of these 79.1% were among those affected. The municipalities that have the largest number of owners are: Viamão, Ipê and Nova Santa Rita. The first two declared an emergency situation and Nova Santa Rita declared a public calamity, all of which are located within the Guaíba hydrographic region. We conclude that family and organic farmers suffered from heavy rains that caused significant losses in the production of several crops. Crops such as soybeans, rice, vegetables, fruits, milk, livestock and vegetable farming were greatly affected and this shows us how difficult this climatic period will be.


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How to Cite

Righi, E., Muradas Bulhões , F. ., & Biondo, E. (2024). Mapping of Organic Producers and Climate Emergency in Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. Redes , 29(1).



Response strategies in the face of the climate emergency