The impacts of extreme weather events: a comprehensive analysis of the 2024 floods in Rio Grande do Sul
Extreme weather events, Climate change, Food, Enchentes no Rio Grande do SulAbstract
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the 2024 floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, exploring their extensive impacts on populations, infrastructure, and the environment. The study emphasizes the significant increase in rainfall and its correlation with the catastrophic floods, which affected 478 out of 497 municipalities, resulting in 182 fatalities and displacing over 580,000 individuals. Methodologically, the study employs a systematic literature mapping, synthesized from 16 studies published after May 2024, to categorize and assess existing research on the flood impacts, trends, gaps, and patterns. The analysis highlights the economic repercussions, with severe damage to agriculture and infrastructure, leading to estimated losses exceeding 3 billion Brazilian reais. The public health impact is also discussed, noting a rise in waterborne diseases and psychological stress among the affected populations. Furthermore, the paper examines the immediate disaster response and long-term mitigation strategies, including infrastructure improvements, enhanced weather prediction models, comprehensive watershed management, resilient agricultural practices, and robust public health infrastructure. The study underscores the need for inclusive governance and policy integration to enhance disaster responsiveness and community resilience. By implementing these strategies, Rio Grande do Sul can build a more resilient future, better prepared to face the challenges posed by extreme weather events and climate change. This comprehensive review provides valuable insights and practical recommendations for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in disaster management and environmental sustainability.
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