Federal Government Actions in Supporting the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil:

An Analysis of Public Policies





Public Policies, Climate Change, Crisis Planning


The floods of May 2024 in Rio Grande do Sul resulted in severe impacts on infrastructure and public health, exposing vulnerabilities and challenges for economic recovery. This study explores the strategies implemented by the federal government, focusing on the allocation of resources for post-disaster recovery, particularly in the areas of housing and economic impacts. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining documentary analysis of official reports and scientific articles by experts. Economic and public health data were collected to assess the effects of the floods and the effectiveness of recovery measures. The results indicated the relative effectiveness of some policies, particularly those of medium and long-term scope, while highlighting the socioeconomic vulnerability of low-income populations and the challenges faced by key economic sectors in pursuing economic recovery.


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How to Cite

Casemiro da Silva, A. L., Medina Benini, S., & Rombi de Godoy, J. A. . (2024). Federal Government Actions in Supporting the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil:: An Analysis of Public Policies. Redes , 29(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v29i1.19665



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