State policies x government policies

climate justice and response strategies for the Brazilian coastal zone in the face of the climate emergency




National Adaptation Plan, Climate Justice, Climate Plan, Coastal Zone, Public Policies


Extreme weather events have intensified, and their projections indicate worrying scenarios for Brazil, especially its extensive coastal zone. This essay analyzes the Brazilian public response to these threats, focusing on climate justice through two crucial instruments: the 2016 National Adaptation Plan (PNA) and the 2023-2024 Climate Plan. The analysis reveals a deficient implementation of the actions foreseen in the PNA. It highlights the vulnerability of Brazilian environmental policies in the face of administrative and ideological changes by governments. The Climate Plan, unlike the PNA, incorporates climate justice as a central element, reflecting significant progress in addressing environmental inequalities. However, its effectiveness will depend on continuous and solid governance. This study concludes that climate adaptation in Brazil must be strengthened as a state policy, focusing on climate justice and the mobilization of adequate resources to face the climate emergency fairly and effectively.


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How to Cite

Campello Torres, P. H., Pires de Araújo, G. ., Carmo Cavaco, I. ., Tavares de Arruda Filho, M. ., & Gonçalves, L. R. . (2024). State policies x government policies: climate justice and response strategies for the Brazilian coastal zone in the face of the climate emergency. Redes , 29(1).



Response strategies in the face of the climate emergency