Adroindustrialization and urbanization of Chapecó-SC - Brazil (1950-2010): a view about the urban and environmental impacts and conflits


  • Janete Facco
  • Camila Fujita
  • James Luiz Berto



Urbanization. Agroindustrialization. Urban and environmental impacts. Chapecó.


Chapecó is a city of Catarinense West which has considerable regional influence and whose urbanization process is associated to an intense agroindustrial activity, during the last decades. This article treats the increasing urbanization of Chapecó from 1950 to 2010 decades, highlighting, in cartograms, this expression along the years, focusing the,3 urban and environmental impacts occurred, in special, about the occupation of river system basin of public supply and the conflict of the occurred use. The present study had as objective to comprehend this urban occupation process and, more specifically, as the aim to understand how it occurred, as also how to identify the main conflicts of soil use that occurred in it and its implications, as availing the influence that the occupation territorial plans had in this process, as well the historical, political and economical context. The work had as base an air photo analysis of the city in six different time cutting, they are: 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, together the Municipal Prefecture of Chapecó/SC, file done the also, it was collect of referent data to the approval action of new allotments and analysis of director plans of the city. The results demonstrate, clearly, the urban process of Chapecó was strongly influenced by the installation of the main industries of the city, by roads and by the first university installed in the town. It was found an advance in the urbanization by a non-planned form, providing an evaluation of this urbanization, as reflections to the action of public sector and society in order to find an occupation to balance interests to an economical developing in the city, as to the conservation of water resources, which are fundamentals to the same developing process and to the population quality life.


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How to Cite

Facco, J., Fujita, C., & Berto, J. L. (2013). Adroindustrialization and urbanization of Chapecó-SC - Brazil (1950-2010): a view about the urban and environmental impacts and conflits. Redes , 19(1), 187-215.


