Historical transformations and differentiation of agrarian systems: the strategies of socioeconomic reproduction among families maroon Morro Alto (Maquiné – RS – Brazil)


  • Matias Felipe Eidelwein Kraemer
  • Lovois de Andrade Miguel




Quilombola Community of Morro Alto. Agrarian Systems. Productions Systems. Socioeconomic Reproduction. Local Development.


This article has the objective to present a look into the agriculture present in families of the quilombola community of Morro Alto (Maquiné/RS) and describe the different socioeconomic reproduction strategies adopted along of historical and differentiation of agrarian systems in the region that circumscribes the territory occupied by this population. From the literature review, reading the landscape and the reports of the quilombolas about their current production systems, seeks to outline a social type, and then hold a discussion on the development of the quilombola territory in process of land regularization. It was possible to identify six social types differentiated socioeconomic reproduction strategies along the time. The territorial development involves the articulation of a series of actors and multisectoral activities, from land regularization and the possibility of building a project focused on territorial development perspectives of quilombolas families.


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How to Cite

Kraemer, M. F. E., & Miguel, L. de A. (2014). Historical transformations and differentiation of agrarian systems: the strategies of socioeconomic reproduction among families maroon Morro Alto (Maquiné – RS – Brazil). Redes , 19(2), 258-285. https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v19i2.3017


