Polytechni and self-managed work in popular: a case at a cooperative in RS


  • Caio Luis Chiariello UFGD - Prof. Adjunto
  • Farid Eid UFPA - Prof. Associado




Politechny. Self management. Popular cooperatives.


Polytechny is concerned as the fusion between intellectual and manual work, separated in the capitalist work process upon capitalism. Polytechny proposes the complete formation of workers, each own scientific and technic knowledge for the execution of activities and domain management tools for production and for the work process. The theoretical debate about polytechny was present at socialist experiences all over 20º century, and was led back to the debate about democratic organization of workers in late century XX and begin of century XXI, and becomes an important element in the construction of self management enterprises. This paper presents a case about a self managed cooperative, in south of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul state, and analyzes work organization in a self-managed enterprise.


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Author Biographies

Caio Luis Chiariello, UFGD - Prof. Adjunto

Economista - UNESP Mestre em Engenharia de Produção - UFSCAR Doutor em Engenharia de Produção - UFSCAR

Farid Eid, UFPA - Prof. Associado

Economista - FMU; Mestre em Engenharia de Produção - UFPB; Doutor em Gestão, Université Picadille Jules Verne, França.



How to Cite

Chiariello, C. L., & Eid, F. (2015). Polytechni and self-managed work in popular: a case at a cooperative in RS. Redes , 20(3), 179-201. https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v20i3.4022



Imigração e Trabalho e Organização dos Mercados de Trabalho