Perspectives of solidarity economy in microregions of west Santa Catarina


  • Luiz Victor Pittella Siqueira Unochapecó e Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
  • Dunia Comerlatto Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - Unochapecó
  • Jesica Mai Unochapecó



Solidarity economy. Socio-productive inclusion. Management of Solidarity Enterprises.


As field of work, the Solidarity Economy is an differentiated alternative to build opportunities for income generation and socio-productive inclusion It is projected on Solidary Economic Enterprises the capable of generating development with greater appreciation of human beings and the environment This article provides a discussion of Solidarity Economy in the west catarinese, with the goal of understanding the prospects of their actions, considering the characteristics of management, supporting institutions and operational policy challenges. It uses the mixed method research, once it allows cut and merge quantitative and qualitative data and providing greater legitimacy and improving the understanding of the categories and variables that are expressed around the object studied. We used the search field in the range of Amosc and Ameosc micro-regions. In Ameosc were surveyed Solidarity Economic Enterprises (SEE) and supporting institutions of their actions and Amosc, only those institutions. For field research with the selected subject (representatives of enterprises and leaders) made use of forms and interviews. As regards the legal formalization, stands out the association’s form, the most common among Solidary Economic Enterprises of tow microregions. Among the productive activities of enterprises, stands out the production of food and handicrafts. The self-managed mode adopted in the surveyed enterprises has provided, in particular, integration between partners and additional income generation. Notwithstanding, there are difficulties to be overcome: low education workers; diversification and product differentiation and, little involvement of members in the management of the enterprise. Furthermore dynamic management of SEE also has political and operational difficulties to be overcome: limited commercial coverage and participation in networks; appropriate legal formalization for expand trade and investment opportunities. Once fortified, are able to promote dialogue for the formulation and implementation of policies from government agencies. The supporting Institutions of solidarity enterprises are varied within the sphere of government and non-governmental, providing access to the infrastructure and technical-management guidance and training in professional and policy fields. However, one of the great political and operational challenges in the field of Solidarity Economy permeates by the lack of legal formalization, which hamper many enterprises to sell at the state level, once overcome, would resolve the products difficulties of commercialization.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Victor Pittella Siqueira, Unochapecó e Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Graduado em Administração e Economia Me. Em Políticas Sociais e Dinâmicas Regionais Economista na Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Dunia Comerlatto, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - Unochapecó

Doutora em Serviço Social. Professora titular do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto sensu em Políticas Sociais e Dinâmicas Regionais da Unochapecó

Jesica Mai, Unochapecó

Graduanda em Serviço Social na Unochapecó.



How to Cite

Pittella Siqueira, L. V., Comerlatto, D., & Mai, J. (2015). Perspectives of solidarity economy in microregions of west Santa Catarina. Redes , 20(3), 202-225.



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