Rural Extension epistemology and the time of total extension


  • Silvio Calgaro Neto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Renato Santos de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Total institutions. University. Technological education.


This article is dedicated to explore the field of knowledge related to rural extension. In general, a three complementary perspective is used as theoretical strategy to present this epistemological study. The first perspective, seeks to accomplish a brief archeology of rural extension, identifying the remarkable historical passages. At the second, we look to some theoretical models through the modern epistemological platform. Finally, the third perspective, aims to present a methodological proposal that contemplate this epistemic characteristics, relating with the contemporary transformations observed in the knowledge construction and technological transference for a rural development.


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Author Biographies

Silvio Calgaro Neto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduado em Engenharia Florestal, Mestre em Extensão Rural, Doutor em Extensão Rural pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e Doutor em Ciências Econômicas, Empresariais e Sociais pela Universidade de Sevilha (US). Atualmente, atua como Assessor Territorial de Gestão Social do Território Centro Serra.

Renato Santos de Souza, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Educação Agrícola e Extensão Rural e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.



How to Cite

Calgaro Neto, S., & Souza, R. S. de. (2016). Rural Extension epistemology and the time of total extension. Redes , 21(3), 282-305.