The COREDE Alto Jacuí in the context of PNDR/CNDR: some reflections on the migration issue


  • José Carlos Severo Corrêa UNISC
  • Rogério Leandro Lima da Silveira
  • Grazielle Betina Brandt



Corede Alto Jacuí. PNDR. CNDR. Regional economy. Migration.


His study aimed to establish a discussion between the use of some of the traditional indicators such as eligibility criteria for beneficiaries of public policies, in this case, the National Policy For Regional Development (PNDR) and the dynamics of development on the area covered by the Regional Development Council (COREDE) Alto Jacuí, in Rio Grande do Sul. Through a look at economic and demographic information, this study provides a counterpoint to the proposal submitted by the Coredes in the National Conference of Regional Development (CNDR), which stipulated the use of the migration flows as one of the eligibility criteria for the new PNDR. This reflection was based on an analysis of information from censuses of years 2000 and 2010 and the population counting 2007 with information related to the performance of the regional economy. We tried to show that the economic dynamics exerts a strong impact on regional migratory flows in the context from the PNDR. However, it is relevant to include other variables such as the meaning of the migratory phenomenon as they are closely interrelated


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How to Cite

Corrêa, J. C. S., da Silveira, R. L. L., & Brandt, G. B. (2015). The COREDE Alto Jacuí in the context of PNDR/CNDR: some reflections on the migration issue. Redes , 20(3), 81-97.



Imigração e Trabalho e Organização dos Mercados de Trabalho