Costs systems institutional formalization Agroindustrial Base of Family Ecological - SAFES


  • Marcio Gazolla UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco/PR
  • Arlindo Jesus Prestes De Lima UFSM
  • Carolina Brignoni UFRGS
  • Andressa Bammesberger



Costs of institutional formalization. Family agroindustrial system. Ecological production chains.


The objective was to measure how much and what are the production costs of family agroindustrial systems that have ecological agriculture as the basis of social reproduction. In this sense, they were related, always comparatively economic performance indicators of formality situations and institutional informality of the investigated experiences. The questions that guided the research were: how much and what are the costs to enable an ecological agroindustrial system in situations of formality and informality institutional? There would be significant monetary differences? Within that, what would be the cost of organic certification? The research was conducted in the Regional EMATER of Frederico Westphalen/RS, which were investigated twelve initiatives, using the theoretical and methodological support of economic evaluation of production systems. Overall, the results show that the ecological family agroindustrial systems have lower production costs in informal situations on the one hand and, on the other, that your household and agroindustrial income value also increase when they do not follow the agrifood legislation issued by the State in different territorial levels.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Gazolla, UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco/PR

Engenheiro Agrônomo (UFSM - 2001), Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural (PGDR/UFRGS - 2004), Doutor em Desenvolvimento Rural (PGDR/UFRGS - 2012) e Professor da UTFPR.

Arlindo Jesus Prestes De Lima, UFSM

Professor da UFSM. Doutor em Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável.

Carolina Brignoni, UFRGS

Administradora e Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural



How to Cite

Gazolla, M., De Lima, A. J. P., Brignoni, C., & Bammesberger, A. (2016). Costs systems institutional formalization Agroindustrial Base of Family Ecological - SAFES. Redes , 21(3), 378-403.