Impacts of the exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs on industrial activity and services in the city system: the case of the Neuquen Basin in Patagonia Argentina


  • Susana Graciela Landriscini Facultad de Economía y Administración Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Osvaldo Preiss
  • Lisandro Robles



System of cities. Cuenca Hydrocarbons Neuquen. Land management. knowledge management and innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises.


This paper presents advances in knowledge about the impact of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons from unconventional reservoirs in Argentina Neuquen Basin. Recent changes focus on the system of cities Confluence Neuquen and frames companies that make up the value chain. Such impact also extends to settled rionegrinas localities in Cuenca, extended to the south of the province of Mendoza and western provinces of La Pampa and Rio Black. theoretical debates about the functions of cities, the weight of the trajectory and agglomeration phenomena, the changes that are generated as part of networks and flows in times of globalization are taken up again; and issues of knowledge management and innovation capabilities of small and medium enterprises that make up the territorial productive and institutional system. Documents, plans and programs on the region and the supplier / customer relationships in the upstream are reviewed, and reflects on the tensions generated by these processes, and the prospects for transforming the regional urban system in its current stage of development. The assessment of urban changes related activities upstream and a broad range of services of different technological intensity, involving regional and local factors in different cities, according to their location, functions, regional historical trajectory and localities, and its potential for integration and economic diversification. In such a system of organization, Neuquén capital is a center provider public and private, social, personal and business, of varying degrees of complexity and scope regional services. It bases the larger companies are based. Other cities operate as centers of medium importance and attract small and medium-sized firms; and a set of smaller centers do as local suppliers. The role of industrial parks are also addressed in land use planning and in the development of the hydrocarbon chain.


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How to Cite

Landriscini, S. G., Preiss, O., & Robles, L. (2016). Impacts of the exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs on industrial activity and services in the city system: the case of the Neuquen Basin in Patagonia Argentina. Redes , 22(1), 240-279.



Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional: Processos, Políticas e Transformações Territoriais