The arenas for the construction of Agroecological knowledge as spaces for the emergence of a "new professionalism" of the extensionist action


  • Décio Souza Cotrim Universidade Federal de Pelotas Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel Departamento Ciências Sociais Agrárias



Rural extension. Participatory. Agroecology.


The present text approaches the transition that the professionals of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in Brazil points out, through the analysis of the experience of Dom Feliciano-RS, the possibility of the emergence of a space of change from a diffusionist perspective to a participatory extensionist action. The main objective of this work is to present the arenas of the Construction of Agroecological Knowledge- CCA as places of development of a "new professionalism" in rural extension. The theoretical reference that permeates the whole of the article is based on the Orientative Perspective by the Actors (LONG, 2001). Methodologically, semi-structured interviews with farmers and extensionists were carried out and their speeches analyzed. The main results are the realpossibility that the CCA arenas are a place for the development of a series of extension actions dichotomically different from the period of "modernization of agriculture". The roles of mediator of the groups, facilitator of the processes, driver of participatory methodology and translator of languages become central, without necessarily losing the perspective of a technical specialist.


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Author Biography

Décio Souza Cotrim, Universidade Federal de Pelotas Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel Departamento Ciências Sociais Agrárias

Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal de Pelotas-Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel-Departamento de Ciências Sociais Agrárias. Engenheiro Agrônomo formado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1989). Especialista em Desenvolvimento Rural CPDA-UFRRJ (2002). Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural PGDR-UFRGS (2008). Doutor em Desenvolvimento Rural PGDR-UFRGS (2013). Editor da Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia. Principais temas de trabalho e pesquisa: Agroecologia, Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico, Métodos Participativos, Extensão Rural, Cooperativismo, Sociologia Rural, Pesca Artesanal, Extensão Pesqueira, Enfoque Sistêmico e Piscicultura. Atuou na Extensão Rural (EMATER-RS) por 25 anos.



How to Cite

Cotrim, D. S. (2017). The arenas for the construction of Agroecological knowledge as spaces for the emergence of a "new professionalism" of the extensionist action. Redes , 22(2), 298-319.


