Agroecology and Solidarity Economy: a necessary dialogue for the consolidation of food and nutritional sovereignty and security humain’s right


  • Ana Dubeux Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Marcela Peixoto Batista Coletivo Aimirim



Solidarity economy. Agroecology. Social movements. Human rights. Food and nutritional sovereignty.


This article aims to analyze the practices of agroecology and solidarity economy movements in the conquest of the right to food and nutritional sovereignty and security. These movements not always have the same strategy, complement each other by acting in different territories to strengthen each other and fight for the achievement of objectives that favor the peasant struggle for human rights. Territoriality brings together objectives and proposals, entangling the different initiatives in the construction of solidarity economic markets. The marketing practices through the organization of the so-called short circuits of trade that are manifested in fairs, organization of consumption groups and solidarity marketing networks. This strategy is capable to contribute to enhance food quality and health, both for producers and for the society as a whole


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Author Biography

Ana Dubeux, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Departamento de Educação Nucleo de Agroecologia e Campesinato-NAC Centro de Formação em Economia Solidaria do Nordeste



How to Cite

Dubeux, A., & Batista, M. P. (2017). Agroecology and Solidarity Economy: a necessary dialogue for the consolidation of food and nutritional sovereignty and security humain’s right. Redes , 22(2), 227-249.


