Agroecological Rural Extension: experiences and limits
Agroecological Rural Extension. Rural Extension. Agroecology.Abstract
The article begins with a theoretical approach on the construction of a proposal of Rural Agroecological Extension (ERA), then links the theoretical aspects of the ERA and empirical data of a network ATER, analyzing nine projects of Technical Accompaniment and Rural Extension developed together to family farmers and settlers of agrarian reform in the state of Paraná. In this analysis, a brief history is made of the Rural Extension model to the new ATER with regard to the participation of social organizations and briefly describes the nine projects / experiences highlighting aspects such as: project and process relationship; Management and organization; Training of ATER teams and methodological tools used in the agroecological transition of family, group and rural community systems. Finally, it presents some impacts of the executed actions and concludes highlighting advances and limits to develop a theoretical proposal of Agroecological Rural Extension.Downloads
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How to Cite
Caporal, F. R., & Dambrós, O. (2017). Agroecological Rural Extension: experiences and limits. Redes , 22(2), 275-297.