Transliteracy: Learning and autonomy paths regarding desplacements in education




Education, Lifelong learning, Literacy, Transliteracy


This article proposes reflections on transliteracy (FRAU-MEIGS), contextualizing it as a possible approach to social practices of lifelong learning that are critical, situated, and capable of appropriating new literacies generated by the technological informational-media culture of the 21st century, among a scenario of continuous dismantling and displacement of existing educational structures (GADOTTI). It starts from a transdisciplinary debate, in the interlocution between education, languages, technologies, media and the multiple hypermedia systems that act in contemporaneity and that affect learning (BUCKINGHAM). The article systematizes different perspectives on transliteracy, in a context in which the pillars and values of “permanent education” for adults have lost space to those of “lifelong learning”. This idea, guided by predominantly market interests, legitimizes the lesser responsibility of States and transfers to individuals the obligation to constantly learn. Transliteracy is about being fluent in different languages, modalities, channels, and technologies, allowing the individual to mobilize as many literacies as necessary in their situated and permanent learning paths.


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Author Biography

Catia Silene Câmara Lassalvia, Unicamp / IEL /doutoranda

Profissional de comunicação, com carreira e interesses multidisciplinares. Mestre em Ciências Sociais (USP), pós-graduada em Relacões Internacionais (USP) e bacharel em Comunicação pela Faculdade da Fundação Casper Líbero. Doutoranda em Linguística Aplicada (Unicamp), na linha de pesquisa Linguagens e Tecnologias. Pesquisadora do Grupo MiDiTeS - Mídia, Discurso,Tecnologia e Sociedade, sob coordenação do prof Dr Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes. Professora da pós-graduação do Centro Universitário SENAC de SP e da graduação na FAM - Centro Universitário das Américas



How to Cite

Lassalvia, C. S. C. (2021). Transliteracy: Learning and autonomy paths regarding desplacements in education . Reflexão E Ação, 29(3), 218-234.