“Mothers and fathers for democracy” and “a children’s place is in the school”: An analysis of disputes about returning to school on Instagram





Discourse, Children’s Rights, Education, Governmentality, Instagram


Brazilian Education has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the contention forms was social distancing, which suspended classes and led to discussions. This research analyzes two movements in Rio Grande do Sul State that are in this dispute, “Mothers and Fathers for democracy” and “Children's place is at school”, aiming to understand the discourses that constitute them and how they are organized. His Instagram posts were analyzed using Foucaultian Studies point of view, focusing on the governmentality concept. It is noted that movements are based on risk management, legitimizing themselves using media, contribution to expert speeches and the defense of children's rights.


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Author Biographies

Roseli Belmonte Machado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Professora Adjunta na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Sandro Faccin Bortolazzo, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS / Campus Bento Gonçalves

Professor no Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS / Campus Bento Gonçalves.

Isabela Dutra Corrêa da Silva, Colégio Metodista Americano - Porto Alegre/RS

Coordenadora pedagógica no Colégio Metodista Americano - Porto Alegre/RS.



How to Cite

Machado, R. B., Bortolazzo, S. F., & Silva, I. D. C. da. (2021). “Mothers and fathers for democracy” and “a children’s place is in the school”: An analysis of disputes about returning to school on Instagram . Reflexão E Ação, 29(3), 267-281. https://doi.org/10.17058/rea.v29i3.16730