Right to higher education in migratory contexts

arrative, dialogue and discursive construction





Subjects of Law,, Migration, Movements of dreamers, Political-pedagogical alternatives


This work is part of a long-standing line of research related to the right to education, politics and school justice. It is about giving an account of the political-pedagogical experiences that emerge in the struggle for citizen rights and their expression in youth actions. The narrative is recovered as a theoretical and methodological perspective to account for the significant experiences for the subjects, as well as the deployment of political-pedagogical actions in the struggle for their rights. Slogans such as I am a Dreamer, No human is illegal and Undocumented and Unafraid account for the argumentative force in the configuration and constitution of these young people as subjects of law.    


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Author Biography

Maria Mercedes Ruiz Muñoz, Universidad Iberoamericana

Académica de tiempo completo de la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México. Pedagoga, con especialidad en sociología de la educación. Doctora en Ciencias con la Especialidad en Investigaciones Educativas por el DIE-CINVESTAV, México. Es integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel-III y del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa (COMIE).



How to Cite

Ruiz Muñoz, M. M. (2022). Right to higher education in migratory contexts: arrative, dialogue and discursive construction . Reflexão E Ação, 30(3), 138-155. https://doi.org/10.17058/rea.v30i3.17727



Dossiê: Alternativas Pedagógicas e Prospectivas Educacionais na América Latina