Public school and democratic management as spaces of resistance: a provocative approach




Public School, Democratic Management, Resistance, Collective Participation


Public schools serve as spaces of resistance against the standardization and capture of educational time and space, offering a counterpoint to the restrictive model imposed by neoliberal constraints. This theoretical essay discusses how democratic management, inspired by Paulo Freire and other authors, can be a strategy of resistance by promoting autonomy and collective participation. In the context of an educational quality debate dominated by large-scale assessments, we highlight the urgency of a more human and dialogical education that respects the diversity of school contexts. We advocate for public schools that value the multiplicity of spaces and times, enhancing knowledge through democratic management.


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Author Biographies

Cláudia Vieira Küffer Chagas, PPGE/UFES

Master's degree in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PPGE/UFES), specializing in the "Teaching, Curricula, and Cultural Processes" research line. Graduated in Pedagogy from FAESA - Fundação de Assistência e Educação (2001), with specializations in Early Childhood Education from Faculdade Integrada de Jacarepaguá, Educational Informatics from Faculdade Estácio de Sá, and Educational Technologies from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Since 2004, has worked as a teacher in early childhood education and elementary education, specifically in the subject of computer science, in the Municipal Government of Vitória (PMV/ES), primarily in educational units in the city center. From 2017 to 2021, served as the school principal at "São Vicente de Paulo" Elementary School. Has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on teaching-learning processes and the use of educational technologies.

Cunha, Eduardo Carlos Souza, UFES/ ES

PhD candidate in Education at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Bachelor’s and Licentiate in Geography from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2006) and in Pedagogy from FACVEST University Center - Unifacvest (2020). Specialist in Educational Management from the Ulisses Boyd Institute of Higher Education and Culture (2008). Master’s in Education from the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) in 2019. Currently, he is an EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. He was a statutory professor at the Municipalities of Vila Velha and Cariacica. He has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Curriculum Studies, Initial and Continuing Teacher Training, and Rural Education. He participated in the development of the Curricular Documents for Cariacica and Vila Velha. He is a member of the CNPq Research Group on Cultures, Partnerships, and Rural Education, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Erineu Foerste, and the Amefricanidade Research Group at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Renata Waleska de Sousa Pimenta. Currently, he is a Research Professor in the School of Capixaba Land Program.



Foerste, Erineu, UFES/ ES


He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Language Education from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos in 1984 (UNISINOS). He completed a Master's degree in Education at the Federal University of Goiás in 1996 (UFG), a PhD in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 2002 (PUC-Rio), and postdoctoral studies at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Siegen in Germany (UNISIEGEN) in 2011 and at the Faculty of Philological and Historical Studies (Chair of Applied Linguistics - Romance Studies) at the University of Augsburg in 2022. He was a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Romance Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany (Uni-Giessen), at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Europa-University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder in Germany (EUV-Frankfurt Oder), at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Siegen in Germany (UNISIEGEN), and at the University of Sassari in Italy (UNISS). He is a Full Professor with Exclusive Dedication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). He is affiliated with the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Education at the Center for Education at UFES (DLCE/CE/UFES), where he carries out teaching-research-extension projects in the Language course. He is a member of the Collegiate of the Graduate Program in Education at UFES (PPGE/UFES). He founded and leads the Research Group (CNPq) "Cultures, Partnerships, and Rural Education". He is the founder and coordinator of the Center for Studies and Research in Rural Education, Urban Education, and Social Education (NEPECES). He coordinates the Field Education Program at UFES. His research topics include Cultures, Languages, and Education. He coordinates agreements and carries out international academic missions with the University of Siegen (Uni-Siegen) in Germany, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Uni-Giessen) in Germany, Europa-University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder (EUV-Frankfurt Oder) in Germany, the University of Augsburg (Uni-Augsburg), and the University of Sassari (UNISS) in Italy. He is a member of the Association of Professors of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (ADUFES). He is an associate member of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Education (ANPEd). He is an associate member of the Deutscher Lusitanistenverband e.V. (DLV) and the Deutscher Romanistenverband (DRV).



How to Cite

Chagas, C. V. K. ., Cunha, E. C. S. ., & Foerste, E. . (2025). Public school and democratic management as spaces of resistance: a provocative approach. Reflexão E Ação, 32(2), 167-185.



v.32, n.3 de 2024: “Pesquisas narrativas, formação de professores(as) e cotidian