SIGNO - CALL FOR VOLUME 49, NUMBER 96, 2024 - Shared book reading practices in childhood and relations with linguistic and cognitive development


The SIGNO Journal invites authors to submit unpublished articles on shared book reading practices in childhood, to be included in volume 49, number 96, 2024.

Shared book reading refers to adult-child reading interactions occurring in the home, school, or other places of interest. A large number of studies to date have sought to describe characteristics of shared book reading practices, factors that contribute to shared book reading practices, and the relations between shared book reading and children’s linguistic and cognitive development. This research base continues to evolve. Considerable research shows that the frequency and quality of shared book reading practices can support a range of early language and cognitive domains, such as vocabulary, print knowledge, phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, numeracy, and self regulationIn later school years, shared book reading practices can contribute to the expansion and consolidation of complex cognitive skills such as monitoring comprehension, inferences, prediction, and verbal reasoning.

The objective of this issue is to increase the visibility of research on the topic, in order to understand the challenges, difficulties, perspectives and achievements obtained in this field of study. Unpublished articles can be submitted from areas such as Linguistics, Psychology, Education, Speech Therapy, among others, developed with children and young people with typical and atypical development (special education, inclusive, disorders), in the acquisition of mother tongue and additional languages, and when reading on different media. This issue will feature original articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


Dr. Aline Pereira (University of Santa Cruz do Sul / Capes Scholarship, Brazil)

Dr. Laura Justice (Ohio State University / Crane Center for Childhood Education, USA)

Dr. Márcia Mota (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


Submissions: until April 30, 2024

accepted: August/2024

publication: September 1, 2024