Relevant and Possible Contributions of the Instinctive Theory of Language inherent to Biolinguistics and Pinker's Evolutionary Linguistics for the Programmatic Field of Psycholinguistics Research


  • Pablo Silva de Almeida Machel-Nabot Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB



Biolinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Evolutionary Linguistics. Instinctive Theory of Language and Natural Selection. Contributions of The Instinctive Theory of Language to The Psycholinguistics.


This article discusses how the instinctive theory of language postulated by Pinker (2002), under the precepts of Biolinguistics (MEADER & MUYSKENS, 1950/1962) and of Evolutionary Linguistics based on the Evolutionary Theory of Natural Selection (Darwin 1859/2003), can contribute to the theoretical-methodological development of Psycholinguistics (OSGOOD & SEBEOK, 1954) regarding its academic-scientific inquiries and how it can also favor - in less extension and range nowadays, however in more coverage capacity in next times - in the inventory and description of psycholinguistics phenomena underlying cognitive activity, as well as at a detailed explanation of cognitive principles inherent to exercise of faculty of language through linguistic communication performed by human beings throughout solid, biological and organic foundation. For this, initially it will be considered a historical analysis and a characterization of two important specialized areas of Linguistics intimately harmonized with the Generativism or Generative Linguistics (CHOMSKY, 1955/1975, 1957): Psycholinguistics (OSGOOD & SEBEOK, 1954) and Biolinguistics (MEADER & MUYSKENS, 1950/1962) so that there may then be, in the sequence, the discussion of how the instinctive theory of language is able to subsidize the development of the psycholinguistic field. In sum, it is checked the potency that those interdisciplinary fields to Psycholinguistics own so as to let a theory of language acquisition and processing which has its guidelines and defining principles supported over the factors that allowed the birth and evolution of the language until today and on the biologic bases which enabled and that continue facilitating that process along the time.


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Author Biography

Pablo Silva de Almeida Machel-Nabot, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Graduado em Letras - Licenciatura Plena em Língua Vernácula e Inglesa pela UFPB em 2012 e titulado Mestre em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística (PROLING) da UFPB em 2016. A Pesquisa de minha dissertação de mestrado insere-se na área de Teoria e Análise Linguística, no domínio da Psicolinguística e na subárea da Psicolinguística Experimental e do Processamento Linguístico, assim como a do meu projeto de doutorado. Atualmente sou pesquisador e membro integrante do LAPROL (Laboratório de Processamento Linguístico), ligado ao Proling e ao CCHLA (Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes), o qual é sediado na UFPB; além do que sou também membro partícipe do GEPROL (Grupo de Estudos em Processamento Linguístico) que é vinculado ao Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPQ e igualmente estabelecido na UFPB, estando sob a coordenação do Prof. Dr. Márcio Martins Leitão e vice-coordenação do Prof. Dr. José Ferrari Neto no que concerne à condução de minhas atividades de pesquisa laboratoriais. No presente momento também estou participando da seleção para ingresso no doutorado em Linguística da Unicamp ao passo que desenvolvo minhas pesquisas e atividades laboratoriais junto ao Laprol e Geprol.


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How to Cite

Machel-Nabot, P. S. de A. (2018). Relevant and Possible Contributions of the Instinctive Theory of Language inherent to Biolinguistics and Pinker’s Evolutionary Linguistics for the Programmatic Field of Psycholinguistics Research. Signo, 43(77), 160-183.



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