Analysis of sign language poetry under the semiotic perspective


  • Sarah Miglioli Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos – INES – Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil



Poetry. Sign language. Deaf art. Semiotics. Peirce.


Analyzes sign language poetry within the context of deaf art, addressing the impact of poetry on the deaf community. In the investigation of poetry, we can observe the role of representing the identity of the deaf. It deals with sign language performance and the relationship between synesthesia and kinesthesia of poetry. The expressive of sign language in the form of poetry is approached in terms of iconicity and arbitrariness. Analyze the sign language through the Aesthetic panorama. Through a methodology of literature review on the subject, it discusses the Peirce's theory and the concept of language matrices within the context of sign language poetry.


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How to Cite

Miglioli, S. (2018). Analysis of sign language poetry under the semiotic perspective. Signo, 43(78), 44-54.



Literatura e Educação: perspectivas e tendências contemporâneas