THE promotion of reading under the university extension: project " literatura em diálogo "


  • Ivânia Campigotto Aquino Universidade de Passo Fundo- UPF
  • Fabíola Hauch Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF
  • Gislaine de Oliveira de Almeida Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF
  • Igor Andreola Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF



Classic Literature. Innovation. Reading. Culture. Society.


This paper has the objective of present the extension project “Literatura em Diálogo”, which is part of the extensionist activities executed at the Universidade de Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, in the area of the Program Ensino e Inovação from the Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Letras. It is a project that promotes the approximation between the youngster and the literary mean by methodological innovations directed to reading, establishing relation between the Literature and other knowledge areas. In this way, this paper is organized like this: 1) introduction, in which a brief summary of the Project can be found, its objectives and its justification; 2) theoretical exposure, based, mainly, in the writings of the Brazilian literary critic Antonio Candido, what allows us, out of the analysis and the relation between the Literature and the other knowledge areas establishment, comprehend the importance of innovating on the didactical procedures in the youngster’s reading approach; 3)detail-oriented analysis of the Project, with information as, for instance, the audience it is for, the way it is developed, the partnerships with it counts on, materials and methods used; 4) the way as the Project develops itself in practice, and, at least, 5) the results achieved by the end of 2017 and the analysis of the youngster involvement and their reaction to the reading experiences executed. Under this structure, we can share a good extension practice, methodologically articulated with the teaching and research, in the benefit of the readers.


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How to Cite

Campigotto Aquino, I., Hauch, F., de Almeida, G. de O., & Andreola, I. (2018). THE promotion of reading under the university extension: project " literatura em diálogo ". Signo, 43(78), 02-12.



Literatura e Educação: perspectivas e tendências contemporâneas