Literary books in the classroom: possibilities in reading and literary conversation


  • Rosa Maria Hessel Silveira UFRGS
  • Letícia Fonseca Richthofen de Freitas Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Literature for children. Literary Reading. Classroom.


This paper aims to analyze the reaction to three books that belong to the collection for the early years of elementary school developed by the 2012Library at School National Program (Programa Nacional Biblioteca na Escola - PNBE). It has the intention of contributing to the reflection of possible practices of literary reading in the early years. This analysis was based on the material that resulted from reading sessions of these books at three public schools in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, and it addresses the following topics: possibilities for enriching shared reading in class when done interactively; the significance of multi-semiotic (multimodal) reading of children’s literature; the importance of articulating the book’s fictional universe with the children's personal, social and cultural experiences; the usefulness of helping students to use paratextual elements of the targeted book.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Maria Hessel Silveira, UFRGS

Mestre em Letras e Doutora em Educação pela UFRGS; professora colaboradora convidada do PPGEducação UFRGS; bolsista PQ CNPq.

Letícia Fonseca Richthofen de Freitas, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Graduada em Letras, Mestre e Doutora em Educação. Professora Associada do Centro de Letras e Comunicação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel).


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How to Cite

Hessel Silveira, R. M., & Fonseca Richthofen de Freitas, L. (2018). Literary books in the classroom: possibilities in reading and literary conversation. Signo, 43(78), 32-43.



Literatura e Educação: perspectivas e tendências contemporâneas