The space of the literary text in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular in the stage of Fundamental Teaching
Literary text, BNCC, elementary school.Abstract
Considering the relevance of the reading of literary texts for human formation and for the development of reading habits and the need to provide access to the literary text and reading practices that can awaken aesthetic enjoyment in Basic Education and the proposition of meaning for the texts read, this article discusses a recent orientation of the Ministry of Education (MEC) for Brazilian elementary education and evaluates the perspective on literature in the document. It is the National Curricular Common Base Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC, approved in 2017, and which should guide the teaching practice from the first to the ninth year of elementary education in public schools in the country. It is particularly interesting to discuss the conception of literature teaching at the BNCC and to evaluate the proposition of approach in second stage of elementary school. The study is based on reflections on the relationship between teaching and literature and analyzes the document of the MEC, pointed out in the article as an element that ratifies a growing erasure of the space of literature in school education.Downloads
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