Multimodal metaphors on the social security reform in brazil: a semantic-cognitive analysis in the cartoon genre
Multimodal Metaphor. Social Security Reform. Cartoon Genre.Abstract
This article aims to describe and analyze multimodal metaphors activated by pictorial representations allied to the linguistic manifestation present in cartoons which deal with the social security reform in Brazil. In order to reach the established objective, our article is based on the Theory of Multimodal Metaphors, according to the studies of Forceville (2009), Forceville and Urios-Aparisi (2009) and Sperandio (2014). We also draw on the studies on the Metaphorical System of Morality, according to Lakoff and Johnson (1999) and Lakoff (2016 [1996]). The corpus consists of six cartoons that were collected in the months of September, October, November and December of 2017 in two specialized sites, namely: Online Charge and Political Humor. Throughout this research, we conclude that the cartoon producers categorize social security reform either as trade/negotiation, or as assault, or as dirt. It was verified that multimodal metaphors corroborate with the criticisms made by the cartoon producers, and have also the semantic-discursive function of reporting/criticizing situations or public people of our daily routine.Downloads
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