Dramatic reading and theatrical play based on dramaturgy for children and young people: possibilities of reduction in school
Dramatical reading. Teatral game. Dramaturgy reading.Abstract
In the present article we propose activities that can be performed at school using the dramaturgical text. Furthermore, this has been our research object since we started the studies at postgraduate level, lato sensu, and soon after, strictu senso, completing a doctorate in Letters last year in which I defended a thesis on children's dramaturgy. We sought from the scenic media the practice known as dramatic reading to provoke reading mediators to perform it in the classroom context and it was based on details from Patrice Pavis (2007), Marta Metzler (2006), Andréa Maria Favilla Lobo (2011). First, we proposed the creation of theatrical games from dramaturgical texts after briefly dealing with theatrical play, approaching its emergence and its principles from Viola Spolin (2001, 2008), Ingrid Koudela (2006) and Ricardo Japiassu (2001). Then, we explained how it works and how the written play can help in the creation of such games. It is important to mention that this was our initiative as we have noticed a lack of its dissemination in the academic field, including the Literature field and Performing Arts. Therefore, as a suggestion from the professor, we have related several games that can be proposed from a significant set of plays that we have been in contact within recent years. Thus, we point out suggestions of how to use the dramaturgical text in reading practices at school as a dramatic genre possibility especially, when it is focused on the reader’s training. So, the reader can interact with a diversity of texts offered by the Literature.Downloads
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